Thursday, August 8, 2013


First, I'd like to say that I am (unofficially) 12lbs lighter!!!! :) I know I shouldn't have, but I weighed myself again and seeing those numbers go down... words can't describe it. My post today is about determination. I'm determined to reach my goals. I started this life change at approximately 319. <<< that's the blog where I explain my weight if you haven't read it yet. My first goal is to be under 300lbs.

I can't even tell you how saying that number makes me feel. Well, yes I can... it makes me feel like a lard ass. I even said it out loud.
300 pounds

That's like the same weight as an NFL line backer, isn't it? A baby elephant weighs an average of 300lbs at birth. They may lose a little in the first 2 weeks but they start gaining about 2lbs per day after that... I don't know how this is relevant... just my ADD kicking in, I elephants are so cute, but I no longer want to weigh as much as one! :)

My frame of mind is so different now. I don't WANT to make bad choices. I honestly think I could go into Logan's right now and not eat the bread. Not even be tempted by it. (okay, I'd be tempted but I would totally NOT give in. Not now.) I don't feel deprived. Not one bit. I know that my BIG goal is worth more to me that a damn yeast roll. I don't think of it as "cheating" I think of it as choosing wisely what goes into my mouth and into my body. I think of food as nourishment not some filler for the emotions I'm feeling. That's a HUGE change. I don't eat when I'm bored. I drink water. If I'm hungry, I eat, but I eat something worth a damn. I know I need food for energy. I know I need to stay fuller longer at certain times of the day, so I know when to eat "heavier" meals. I don't know proper wording and none of this was decided by a doctor or fitness instructor, it's just plain common sense. Say NO to honey buns and processed junk. Say YES to fresh fruits and veggies and organically grown or locally grown foods. Whole grains are my friends but not all wheat bread is "whole grain" (that was a sneaky little trick I had to learn the hard way) THE BEST THING I'VE LEARNED: Eating healthy isn't gross! There really are some awesome recipes and one thing a lot of you may not know about me is that I actually went to school for Culinary Arts. I didn't graduate with a degree (for reasons not to be discussed online) but I love coming up with new recipes and I adore cooking. My next favorite thing to do aside from photography. :) So, playing around with what works for me is actually FUN. :) 

I still have to measure and I promised myself I would do that this weekend. I did take some before shots when I first started this and they make me sick looking at them BUT I did it. I'll get my measurements down soon and big news... I start the couch 2 5K next week with Mrs. Becky and we have decided to possibly enter into an actual 5K race. Something I've always WANTED to do, but just never did... goals, goals, goals... I am going to celebrate each and every time I reach one! 

Another HUGE change in me... I am proud of myself. That is something I haven't been able to say in a very long time. I am PROUD of Wendy Wells. :) Yay! 

Have A Healthy Day!
<3 Wendy

1 comment:

  1. Defintely measure yourself. You will find times where you plateau and the scale doesn't move as your body adjusts to its new life. But let me tell you what will move, those measurements. TRUST ME, get those done ASAP. They will lift you thru the hard times. They drop quite a bit and can be a great motivator.
