Monday, August 26, 2013

Before Pictures... DUN DUN DUNNNNN

So, as stated in my last blog, I got "before" pictures done with the AH-MAZE-ZING Izzy Hudgins Photography. She was awesome! Well, here are a few...

my leggins were falling down lol I now can't wear those because they are too big! :) 

haha, I love these next ones... so me.

I especially love these next ones... How appropriate? Exactly what I'm doing...reevaluating! :) Love them!

 I believe this last one is my absolute favorite. :) I feel pretty in this one. I feel like I actually LOOK pretty. :)

I have such a fat face. LOL Don't get me wrong, Izzy did an AMAZING job with these and I love them... I am really hard on myself but I do absolutely adore them! :)  I'm so excited for our next session and I can't wait to see the results! Ignore my chinese eyes. When I smile, they disappear lol :)

Again, Thank YOU so much, Mrs. Izzy! You are amazing and your talent has me in awe of you. (not in the creepy stalkerish way but in the teenage girl loves one direction way, maybe... haha!) I adore my photos and I'm so grateful to you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this for me! <3

<3 Wendy

1 comment:

  1. your pictures are so awesome!! can't wait to see that after! you rock!! :D
