Monday, August 19, 2013


I don't really feel like blogging today BUT I AM! :) I gained 2 pounds back but not from doing bad things or eating bad things... I assume its muscle building which is fine with me. It took a lot for me to get to this point. At first, I felt like crap. All this hard work and I'm gaining weight? Oh hell NAH! lol but I learned to stay away from the scale. My clothes are getting looser, my face is getting thinner. People are noticing the change in me and that's all that matters. I had a lazy day yesterday. My body needed rest. I have been working HARD to learn to listen to my body. I'm getting pretty good at that.

This weekend, a dear friend of mine came over and taught me a few exercises I can do at home and helped point me in the right direction and answered a few questions I had. I want to shout out to her (Lindy) and tell her she's a doll! I appreciate every single bit of everything you have helped me with. YOU ARE AWESOME! :)

So, remember a few blog posts ago I said I would do anything to get healthy... remember how I said if someone told me I had to drink hog piss I would do it if it ensured I'd be healthier??? Well, let me tell you guys something... APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is as close to what I'd imaging hog piss tasting like!!! haha! I started taking two tablespoons per day of that stuff... mixing it in OJ, putting it in smoothies, being a hard ass and taking it like a shot...(I don't recommend throwing it back like a shot of Jack made my stomach hurt... take it slowly)  NOTHING works. It's so gross. But I have researched it and it does wonders for your skin, your weight... Lindy told me about it and I did my own research. My Mema has been trying to get me to take this stuff forever... She was right. But she didn't warn me about the taste! I think I could chug down plain vinegar easier than this stuff BUT I'm gonna try it... we shall see. :)

I haven't given up on running. I am still working on it but I'm taking it sloooow.

One thing I've learned this week is I have changed the way I live my life. THIS is my life now. I do NOT have to do everything all at one time. As long as I keep my head straight, I'll do fine. I will always eat healthier (well, maybe not ALLLLLWAYS but mostly) I will always think about fitness and working out and exercise. EVERY DAY. I will forever be conscience of how I live my life because I want to increase my quality of LIFE! So what if I don't get to run in the race in the fall, I'll run one eventually. So what if it takes me 6 months to lose 50lbs THATS INCREDIBLE and I'm okay with that because I know I will not go back to my unhealthy ways. This is me. Forever. :) That makes me happy.

Have A Happy Day!
<3 Wendy

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