Thursday, August 22, 2013

Me? Feeling Pretty?

Yesterday, I didn't blog. I was really busy. YESTERDAY I went to visit one of my best friends in this whole wide world, Mrs. Amy Brackett of {227 Salon}

She fixed my hair and makeup and boosted my confidence and patted me on the butt and sent me on my way... okay, she really didn't pat me on the butt but she fixed me all up and did an awesome job and calmed my nerves and I set off to have BEFORE pictures taken with Mrs. Izzy Hudgins of {Izzy Hudgins Photography}

Izzy is amazing and fun and I really loved her personality! This won't be the first time I work with her! We have decided to do another session in the middle of my journey as well as some after pictures once I reach my goal. :) Izzy's website is Check out her amazing work. She is one talented photographer!!! I'll be showing some of her images in the near future... I'm a little nervous because I REALLY HATE pictures of myself. I can say that being on the other side of the camera was a little odd. Izzy made me feel very comfortable but it was soooo strange trying to remember to be natural but pose too and not feel like a goofball the entire time. I now know what my clients feel like, bless their hearts. :) I don't know that I'll ever get used to someone taking MY picture, but I did really enjoy my time with Izzy yesterday! She's a doll!

To Amy and Izzy: 
I am so blessed to have worked with both of you yesterday. It's difficult for me to feel pretty right now but you both worked your butts off and I really did feel pretty! I felt happy and I felt blessed! Yesterday was just the boost I needed to keep me moving forward!  
I appreciate you guys more than you even know! 

:) Check out their facebook pages and like them and tell them I sent you! :)

So, I have to admit, I've felt like I've been slacking in the exercise department. I haven't been walking once this week. BUT I have been doing the exercises and stupid squats (they will now be known as "stupid squats" and I will bitch the entire time I do them because they ARE the devil! LOL)  and crunches that Mrs. Lindy told me about this past weekend and I know I've worked something because my legs and booty are SORE today! :) YAY! Maybe me feeling like I'm slacking is just because I'm not actually AT the park walking like I normally do, but I know I'm getting just as much done by doing the 30 minutes of exercises every day. Its still so crazy how your mind can psych you out during this whole process.

I have been eating just like always but I haven't been posting many pictures of my recipes because I've been slammed with work. I did notice while photographing a newborn on Tuesday that I wasn't so out of breath and tired afterwards. (newborns are HARD work for those of you that don't know... before, a newborn session would leave me sweating and breathless and exhausted. This one did leave me tired but not nearly as worn out as before. So, I can tell a difference in my endurance!!!)

I haven't weighed myself and I'm not going to. I actually want to wait for September 1st to weigh. I don't exactly know why, but September 1st sounded good to me! :) ANNND promised myself to not get discouraged at the number that pops up on that day! That number DOES NOT define me. It motivates me and keeps me informed but it doesn't have any control over me.

I have been drinking my water but not as much as last week, so I'll be working on stepping that up. I have to learn how to keep doing what I need to do despite the fact that I'm busier this week than I was last week... I'm working on it, I promise.

This week I've been catching up on my laundry! I think I have 2 more loads and every single bit of my laundry will be done. Its VERY rare that I can say that! LOL all my friends and close family members know what I'm saying. When it comes to laundry, I don't ever feel like I'm ever going to get caught up, but I'm almost there and guess what? I have a box beside my front door that has clothes in it that are TOO BIG FOR ME!!! How awesome is that? They are really just too big and I won't ever be in that size again. That makes me happy yet its hard to wrap my brain around. I'm really doing this. I'm getting smaller! :)

Alright, I've rambled on enough, I guess. Time to get back to editing and laundry. The rest of my week and weekend is packed full of sessions and events so if I don't post every day this week, I apologize.

Have A Healthy Day!

<3 Wendy


  1. I love you more than you know! You got this Winny....another day down :)

  2. You can pass them clothes this way ;) I'm so proud of you and you looked gorgeous! (you always do)
