I apologize for the lack of posts here lately, I have really been busy. I had a computer hard drive screw up and I lost SEVERAL edited sessions including an entire wedding and I've had to back track and re edit a SHIT LOAD of images! I'm racing the clock here and I'm running low on energy and patience....
Which brings me to my next point: I have NO clue how much I weigh, NO clue how I'm doing and I'm terrified to check. HA! I have very little energy and I'm a straight up BITCH to be around right now...I have been drinking water still, I have been TRYING to eat healthy but I have fallen back in the eating once a day thing and little to ZERO exercise. I literally have NO time for it. Any of it. I'm STUCK at my computer all day and through the night editing fat rolls and blemishes, darkening, brightening, adjusting, saving, filing, burning, finalizing... Which probably explains why I'm so short tempered and spastic lately... Bless the hearts of my children, they have seen psycho mom a few times this past week... I still have healthy, clean eating on my mind and I work hard to make good choices but one apple and a home made grilled chicken wrap with spinach leaves and avocado and Greek yogurt for an ENTIRE DAY is NOT good... I'm not trying to starve myself and I'm really not trying to screw this up, I just am SO slammed. I've had probably 12 hours of sleep in the last 3 days... Sleep is just as important as eating healthy and exercising. After I get all of this under control and everything calms down a bit, I promise to be back at it full force! I have noticed my yoga pants and sweat pants are too big... (when I wear pants) that's probably NOT a good thing since I know it's most likely due to not eating like I should. It doesn't matter what anyone says, NOT EATING (STARVING) IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU! Your body needs food for energy and energy to burn actual fat. I do NOT recommend not eating at all. I can tell my skin is less bright, almost greyish at times and I have bags under my eyes. What I'm putting my body through right now is NOT good. It will get better. I can see the light at the end of this darkness and I'll be back on track!
Just a little bump in the road. A little hiccup. Say a prayer for me :)
<3 Wendy
You've got this. Life doesn't stop but only makes it harder. Its getting around the obstacles that is the biggest acheivement & you my friend definitely have what it takes to suceed & reach your goal!