Sunday, January 26, 2014


Once there was a girl... we will call her Whitney. Whitney met a boy named.... Joe. They went to high school together. They grew up and got married and had babies and a house and cars and whatever. Joe would get angry at Whitney. He would call her names. Joe became very bitter and didn't like himself very much.... he would, what Whitney thought anyway, like to drag her down to his low level of bitterness and he would hurt her the only way he could. With his words. Whitney cried. A lot. Joe never apologized. He called it "being truthful" and Whitney learned to not like his "honest opinion" very much.  Whitney gained weight. Joe would call her fat. Whitney would lose weight. Joe would accuse her of cheating. She couldn't win. He was never happy. They divorced. Despite the babies. Despite the life they worked hard to build, it ended. It hurt. Probably more than the hateful words. They failed at marriage. They failed at giving their babies the life they deserved with Mommy and Daddy happy and thriving. But those babies heard the words Joe would say to Whitney. And even though it's been some time, they sometimes bring it up. Still. Whitney feels her heart rip open every time. That is NOT the way you talk to people. Why can't they just forget? Why can't she?

Whitney met Brad. Brad tells Whitney how beautiful she is all the time. He respects her. He appreciates her. He gives her things Joe NEVER could....or would. Brad is an enormous influence on the babies and he shows them how they are SUPPOSED to treat people. Even though Joe is a great dad to the babies, Brad is also great and he shows the babies a side of their mom that they haven't seen. Not in awhile for the older ones... not ever for the younger ones... Whitney laughs more. Whitney is happy.

On the outside.

When Brad tells Whitney she is beautiful, she doesn't believe it. She looks in the mirror and she can't see anything but the words that have stuck in her head from the things Joe has told her over the many many years.  She preaches to her daughters that "you have to love yourself. you have to accept and love who you are or you are never going to be able to love anyone else." Yet, she doesn't practice what she preaches. Instead, while out shopping and trying on clothes, she cries because they don't fit. She cries because they don't look right on her. She feels she can't pull off certain outfits because she doesn't have the figure or the guts. She looks at other women in cute clothes and confidence with envy. She goes home, looks in the mirror to TELL herself she IS beautiful. She is great just the way she is... but she only sees the breakouts on her face from stress. The lines near her eyes from worry. The weight she carries. The ugly. She sees flaws and she hears JOE'S voice telling her she will never amount to anything. She will always be "just pretty because beautiful is too strong of a word for you." She hears "If you would just lose some weight, you would be hot." "Look at this picture of you in high school. You used to be pretty. What happened?"

Whitney is broken. Still.

Diets. Lifestyle changes. Workouts. Weight loss. Sure, it happens. She puts in effort. But she fails at that. She always falls short despite wanting it SO badly. She can't handle compliments. They make her nervous. She can't stay the way she is, it's unhealthy. She can't let them see her upset or weak. She. Can't. Let. Joe. Win.

But he does. Every day. He does. Despite the love of a man named Brad and babies and family and friends. She never feels good enough.

And she doesn't know how to fix that.



  1. This saddens me deeply for you & I hate to see you feel this way. I have some of the same struggles but my babies keep me going, as yours do you. Wendy I don't know you very well personally, but from what I read of your post & blog you are a BEAUTIFUL person & mother inside & out! One day that voice of Joe will get softer & softer until one day, you don't hear that aweful voice that once brought you down. You are you & God made you the way you are for a reason. You may not realize the reason now but you will one day & you'll look back & be forever thankful. You are a strong beautiful woman, just keep your head held high & love in your heart & nothing or no one will stop you from reaching your goals. Do what makes you happy. I wish you the best of luck Wendy! May God continue to bless you on your path in life & know that you aren't just pretty, you are amazingly beautiful!!!!!

  2. My "Joe" was my step dad. I have struggled for years with that voice in my head (and as a result my weight). But, it has been twelve years since I was in his house and victim to his words. The voice inside my head isn't his anymore, it is my voice that produce those nasty thoughts. I am the only one that can control her. It is work, much harder than the physical challenge of loosing weight or doing anything else really. I have had to learn how to speak to myself. One thought at a time.

    That mean voice in my head is quiet for now. I don't have a ticker tape of ready insults waiting for me every time I plan, hope, or dream. I have quiet that I can fill with good things. It gets easier and easier. I had to stop and quiet the hurt being inside, tell her it is OK to come out now, that no one (including me) is going to hurt you.

  3. Oh wow...beautiful and sad and real..people everywhere love you and I am so proud of who you are!

  4. Guard your heart. Post pretty Bible verses around the house about how God treasures you. I bet in your search for verses that minister to you, you won't find anything that says God values for women to be a smaller dress size, or that being thin is a Christian virtue - not in there. You know Joe - I'm sure you know there is a flaw in himself that he hates so.much that he has had to make someone else devalue therself as well. We will get wrinkles, our bodies will change, but we are building a beautiful life and legacy. If you could read Joes mind, you might find him so envious of your strengths, that he had to find some comments on a flaw to harp on to bring you some sort of submission that makes u put all your energy into trying to be pleasing him because he can't be happy with himself. Screw him and his hateful attitude - men like that r just trying to have sense of control over u and ur emotions. Know that he had a motive for his words and they do not hold truth or power over your heart anymore.

  5. I've got the same issue. Have moved on but after so many years of the verbal abuse you start to believe its true. You don't understand or believe the new one that says your beautiful bc all u see is what was drilled in your head. I'm my worse enemy.! I struggle everyday and cry when noone is looking over my looks. I'm trying to turn it all to God and I ask for help with my lil girl said the other day she was chunky my heart sank...I don't want her to go threw this. I want her to love herself. But Wendy you are beauitful and I will pray u see it. Let's try our best to not let them negative buttholes win! Sometimes I wish he would have hit me instead of the words..bc bruises heal but the verbal makes u believe :( good luck sweetie and continue to love you and reach your goals :)

  6. Hello Wendy! I honor you for being brave in changing your lifestyle. I hope and pray that you won't be sad anymore. cheer up girl! many people believe that you can do it and achieve your goals. I'm just a random person on your blog but I sincerely pray that you experience real happiness once again :)
